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Megan H.

Megan H.

About Megan H.


English, Essay Writing, Essay Writing, Elementary (3-6) Reading


Bachelors in Archeology from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Career Experience

I have worked as a field archaeologist over the last five years and recently completed my master's in classics and archaeology. Previously I worked processing historical artifacts recovered from excavation. During my undergraduate and graduate programs, I proofread peers' essays.

I Love Tutoring Because

I love helping students to achieve their goals and overcome challenges!

Other Interests

Backpacking, Climbing, Cooking, Drinking Coffee, Flying, Foreign language learning, Running, Traveling

Reviews (4,649)


English - College English

Sep 19, 2024
The professor was incredibly nice and helpful throughout the entire session, She helped me notice things I never noticed.


English - Elementary (3-6) Language Arts

Sep 19, 2024
I loved her


English - Elementary (3-6) Language Arts

Sep 19, 2024


Social Studies - World History

Sep 19, 2024
Megan actually really helped me understand and she helped me along the way, she didnt make me feel stupid and she was really patient!