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Over 60,000 students have told us they love getting help from Tutor.com. The reasons they give include:

  • "All of the tutors are so helpful!"
  • "I love how they stuck with you all the way to make sure you get it!"
  • "My tutor made me realize that I could do it on my own. :)"

They never mention "high quality learning" or "sound educational conclusions." But that's exactly what they get when Tutor.com is available in their community. We work hard to make sure our million sessions per year are of the highest quality, and the results are worth it. See the impact Tutor.com can have in your community. You'll <3 it!

<3 the Results

  • Over 96% say they would recommend Tutor.com to a friend
  • Over 90% say Tutor.com helps improve their grades
  • Over 90% say Tutor.com helps them be confident about their school work

And to make sure everyone can have access to the best online tutoring service, we work hard to tailor our solutions to your library's specific needs and budget.

Join us on July 10th at 3pm
EDT to learn how Tutor.com
can help your community.


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